The Pride Guide: A Guide to Sexual and Social Health for LGBTQ Youth
(Kindle Book, OverDrive Read)
"Longtime therapist and sex educator Langford has written an indispensable guide to a universe of things sexual and social for LGBTQ+ youth and their parents or caregivers." Booklist, Starred Review
Sex education materials meant to explain important basics to kids are too-often not written with an empathic understanding of what those basics are. This is particularly obvious regarding books that include LGBTQ identities. Even when they do hit the mark, many have a limited scope and don't take into account the practical realities of developing sexuality.
The Pride Guide is written explicitly for the almost ten percent of teenagers who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, or any of the unique identities that are not heterosexual/ cisgendered. It explores sex, dating, relationships, puberty, and both physical and online safety in one resource.
The issue, today, is not whether or not queer youth will get sex education. The issue is how and where they will gather information and whether or not the information they gather with be applicable, unreliable, or exploitative. Equipping teens and their families with knowledge and self-confidence, this work provides the best protection against the unfortunate consequences that sometimes accompany growing up with an alternative gender or identity.
With real-world information presented in a factual and humorous way, responsible adults can teach queer youth to (and how to) protect themselves, to find resources, to explore who they are, and to interact with the world around them while being true to themselves and respectful of others.
Written with these issues in mind, The Pride Guide covers universal topics that apply to everyone, such as values clarification, digital citizenship, responsibility, information regarding abstinence as well as indulgence, and an understanding of the consequences and results of both action and inaction. For LGBTQ youth, this is a resource containing information on the unique issues queer youth face regarding what puberty looks like (particularly for trans youth), dating skills and violence, activism, personal safety, and above all, pride.
Parents and other supportive adults who are motivated to educate themselves and who are interested in gaining some tools and skills around making these necessary conversations less uncomfortable and more effective will benefit from this book. The go-to resource for making informed decisions, The Pride Guide is indispensable for teens, parents, educators, and others hoping to support the safe journey of LGBTQ teens on their journey of discovery.
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Reviews from GoodReads
Jo Langford. (2018). The Pride Guide: A Guide to Sexual and Social Health for LGBTQ Youth. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Jo Langford. 2018. The Pride Guide: A Guide to Sexual and Social Health for LGBTQ Youth. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Jo Langford, The Pride Guide: A Guide to Sexual and Social Health for LGBTQ Youth. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018.
MLA Citation (style guide)Jo Langford. The Pride Guide: A Guide to Sexual and Social Health for LGBTQ Youth. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- value: lgbtq guide to sex
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- value: safe sex for lgbtq teens
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- fileAs: Langford, Jo
- bioText: Jo Langford, MA, is a dad, Master's-level therapist, and sex educator for tweens, teens, and parents, in Seattle, Washington. He is the author of the Spare Me, 'The Talk'!, series – guides to sex, relationships and growing up for modern teens and their parents. More about his work to promote healthy, positive, and safe sexual and social behavior can be found at his website,
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- The Pride Guide
- fullDescription
"Longtime therapist and sex educator Langford has written an indispensable guide to a universe of things sexual and social for LGBTQ+ youth and their parents or caregivers." Booklist, Starred Review
Sex education materials meant to explain important basics to kids are too-often not written with an empathic understanding of what those basics are. This is particularly obvious regarding books that include LGBTQ identities. Even when they do hit the mark, many have a limited scope and don't take into account the practical realities of developing sexuality.
The Pride Guide is written explicitly for the almost ten percent of teenagers who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, or any of the unique identities that are not heterosexual/ cisgendered. It explores sex, dating, relationships, puberty, and both physical and online safety in one resource.
The issue, today, is not whether or not queer youth will get sex education. The issue is how and where they will gather information and whether or not the information they gather with be applicable, unreliable, or exploitative. Equipping teens and their families with knowledge and self-confidence, this work provides the best protection against the unfortunate consequences that sometimes accompany growing up with an alternative gender or identity.
With real-world information presented in a factual and humorous way, responsible adults can teach queer youth to (and how to) protect themselves, to find resources, to explore who they are, and to interact with the world around them while being true to themselves and respectful of others.
Written with these issues in mind, The Pride Guide covers universal topics that apply to everyone, such as values clarification, digital citizenship, responsibility, information regarding abstinence as well as indulgence, and an understanding of the consequences and results of both action and inaction. For LGBTQ youth, this is a resource containing information on the unique issues queer youth face regarding what puberty looks like (particularly for trans youth), dating skills and violence, activism, personal safety, and above all, pride.
Parents and other supportive adults who are motivated to educate themselves and who are interested in gaining some tools and skills around making these necessary conversations less uncomfortable and more effective will benefit from this book. The go-to resource for making informed decisions, The Pride Guide is indispensable for teens, parents, educators, and others hoping to support the safe journey of LGBTQ teens on their journey of discovery.- popularity
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- name: English
- subjects
- value: LGBTQIA+ (Nonfiction)
- value: Sociology
- value: Young Adult Nonfiction
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- 06/01/2018
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- value: 9781538110768
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- shortDescription
"Longtime therapist and sex educator Langford has written an indispensable guide to a universe of things sexual and social for LGBTQ+ youth and their parents or caregivers." Booklist, Starred Review
Sex education materials meant to explain important basics to kids are too-often not written with an empathic understanding of what those basics are. This is particularly obvious regarding books that include LGBTQ identities. Even when they do hit the mark, many have a limited scope and don't take into account the practical realities of developing sexuality.
The Pride Guide is written explicitly for the almost ten percent of teenagers who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, or any of the unique identities that are not heterosexual/ cisgendered. It explores sex, dating, relationships, puberty, and both physical and online safety in one resource.
The issue, today, is not whether or not queer youth will get sex education. The issue is how and where they will...
- sortTitle
- Pride Guide A Guide to Sexual and Social Health for LGBTQ Youth
- crossRefId
- 3933051
- classifications
- subtitle
- A Guide to Sexual and Social Health for LGBTQ Youth
- publisher
- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
- tableOfContents
Chapter 1. Biology
Chapter 2. Puberty
Chapter 3. If You Were Born With Female Reproductive Parts
Chapter 4: If You Were Born With Male Reproductive Parts
Chapter 5: Body Image
Chapter 6. Identity and the Spectrum
Chapter 7. Expression and the Spectrum
Chapter 8. Coming Out
Chapter 9. Coming Out Bi
Chapter 10. Coming Out Ace
Chapter 11. Coming Out Trans
Chapter 12. Transition
Chapter 13. Passing
Chapter 14. Dating
Chapter 15. Relationships
Chapter 16. Intimate Violence
Chapter 17. The Sex Part
Chapter 18. Abstinence and Indulgence
Chapter 19. Casual Sex
Chapter 21. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Chapter 22. HIV/AIDS 101
Chapter 23. Safer Sex
Chapter 24. Sexual Health
Chapter 25. Sexual Harm
Chapter 26. Harassment, Abuse & Assault
Chapter 27. Personal Safety.
Chapter 28. SexualIZED Harm
Chapter 29. Coping with Minority Stress
Chapter 30. The Religion Thing
Chapter 31. If Your Family Is Unsupportive...
Chapter 32: Online Safety
Chapter 33: Porn
Chapter 34. Digital Citizenship
Chapter 35. LGBTQ 101 for Parents
Chapter 36. Is My Kid Gay?
Chapter 37. Is My Child Trans?
Chapter 38. My Kid Came Out, Now What?
Chapter 39. The Family That Transitions Together...
Chapter 40. Parenting Your Queer Kid - bisacCodes
- code: HEA042000
- description: Health & Fitness / Sexuality
- code: YAN032000
- description: YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / LGBTQ+ / General
- code: YAN051040
- description: Young Adult Nonfiction / Social Topics / Dating & Sex