Showing 1 - 8 of 8
There are a total of 23 valid entries on the list.
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On Shelf
Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books has 2
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
2 of 3 | Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books | YA LATHAM (2025 M.S. NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark YA Fiction | YA FIC LAT |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YA F Latham NUTMEG |
2 of 2 | Branford/Blackstone YA Fiction | YA FICTION LATHAM (2025 NUTMEG) |
1 of 2 | Durham Young Adult Historical Fiction | YA HIS LATHAM (2025 MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Youth Fiction | Y FIC LAT (2025 NUTMEG MIDDLE SCHOOL NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun YA New | Y FIC LAT NUTMEG '25 |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC LAT |
2 of 2 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Latham, Irene (African) |
2 of 2 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA LATHAM (NUTMEG 2025) |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Nutmeg | J FIC LAT (MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG 2025) |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/LAT (2025 Middle School Nutmeg Nominee) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Nutmeg Books | J/FIC/LATHAM (2025 Middle School Nutmeg Nominee) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Teen Nutmeg Books | TEEN/FIC/LATHAM ( (2025 NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Teen Books | TEEN/FIC/LATHAM (2025 NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA LAT (NUTMEG NOMINEE 2025) |
1 of 1 | Lyme YA New Fiction | YA FIC LAT |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Nutmeg | TF LATHAM |
2 of 2 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC LATHAM (2025 NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA Latham |
1 of 1 | New London Young Adult | YAF LATHAM |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction 2025 Nutmeg Nominee Latham |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction 2025 Nutmeg Nominee Latham |
2 of 3 | North Haven Middle School Nutmegs | YT FICTION Latham, Irene (2025 Nutmeg - Middle School) |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Young Adult Fiction | Y F LATHAM |
1 of 1 | Preston YA Fiction | YA F LATHAM |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC LATHAM DISPLAY |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | YA F LAT (MS NM '25) |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | YA F LAT (MS NM '25) c.2 |
3 of 3 | Woodbridge Tween | J (TWEEN) LATHAM |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA LATHAM |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2022 | G.P. Putnam's Sons | 438 pages : illustrations, maps ; 22 cm | On Shelf Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books has 2 YA LATHAM (2025 M.S. NUTMEG)
Chronicles the story of the last Africans brought illegally to the United States on the Clotilda in 1860
Average Rating:
5 stars
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On Shelf
1 copy on order.
Wallingford Children's Fiction
Wallingford Young Adult Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Alexander |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction ALE |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Historical Fiction | jF HIS ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Youth Fiction | YOUTH Ale |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF ALE |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Alexander, Kwame (Door) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC KWA |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | MDL/FIC/ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (HISTORICAL FIC) ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Middle Grade | YA MG ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe Juv Collection | JUV FIC ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Alexander Door 1 |
1 of 1 | North Haven Children's New | jTweenFiction Alexander, Kwame Door#1 |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Young Adult Fiction | Y F ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Juvenile Fiction | J ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Alexander [Tween] |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Alexander |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ALE |
0 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | NEW J FIC ALEXANDER |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J ALEXANDER |
1 on order | Willoughby Wallace Memorial Library On Order | ON ORDER |
Pub. Date | Edition | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
©2022 | First edition | 418 pages : map ; 21 cm | On Shelf 1 copy on order. Wallingford Children's Fiction J ALEXANDER Wallingford Young Adult Fiction YA ALEXANDER
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024 | First trade paperback edition | 418 pages : map ; 20 cm. | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction | YT FICTION Alexander, Kwame |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||
[2022] | Large print edition | Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company | 459 pages (large print) : map ; 23 cm. | Available from another library
"A novel in verse about an Asante boy who is captured and taken from his village during the nineteenth century."--
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On Shelf
Wallingford Children's Fiction
Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books has 2
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J ARANGO |
2 of 2 | Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books | YA ARANGO (2025 M.S. NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark Juv. Collection | J FIC ARA |
2 of 2 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction ARANGO (2025 NUTMEG) |
0 of 1 | Durham Children's Fiction | jF ARANGO (2025 MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
0 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ARANGO (2025 MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Youth Fiction | Y FIC ARA (2025 NUTMEG MIDDLE SCHOOL NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Rathbun YA New | Y FIC ARA NUTMEG '25 |
1 of 1 | East Hampton New Juvenile | JF ARA |
0 of 1 | East Hampton New Juvenile | JF ARR |
2 of 2 | East Lyme Public J Fiction (Paperback) | J Arango, Andrea (Iveliz) |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Arango NUTMEG |
2 of 2 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA ARANGO (NUTMEG 2025) |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Nutmeg | J FIC ARA (MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG 2025) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/ARA (2025 Middle School Nutmeg Nominee) |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | MDL/FIC/ARANGO |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Nutmeg Books | J/FIC/ARANGO (2025 Middle School Nutmeg Nominee) |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/ARANGO (2025 NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Children's Fiction | J ARA (NUTMEG NOMINEE '25) |
1 of 1 | Lyme Juvenile New Fiction | J FIC ARA |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Nutmeg | TF ARANGO |
1 of 1 | Meriden Children's Room | J FIC ARANGO |
2 of 2 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC ARANGO (2025 NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA ARANGO |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF ARANGO |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction 2025 Nutmeg Nominee Arango |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction 2025 Nutmeg Nominee Arango |
3 of 3 | North Haven Middle School Nutmegs | YT FICTION Arango, Andrea_Beatriz (2025 Nutmeg - Middle School) |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Young Adult Fiction | Y F ARANGO |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC ARANGO |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Juvenile Fiction | J ARANGO |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Arango [Tween] |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F ARANGO 2025 NUTMEG Gr. 7-8 |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC ARANGO NUTMEG |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Middle Grade Fiction | MG F ARA (MS NM '25) |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Middle Grade Fiction | MG F ARA (MS NM '25) c.2 |
3 of 3 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J ARANGO |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
©2022 | First edition | Random House Children's Books | 268 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm | On Shelf Wallingford Children's Fiction J ARANGO Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books has 2 YA ARANGO (2025 M.S. NUTMEG)
Twelve-year-old Iveliz is trying to manage her mental health and advocate for the help and understanding she deserves, but in the meantime her new friend calls her crazy and her abuela Mimi dismisses the therapy and medicine Iveliz needs to feel like herself.
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On Shelf
Wallingford Young Adult Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA WOODFOLK |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone YA Fiction | YA FICTION WOOD (Romance) |
1 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC WOODFOLK |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA WOODFOLK |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC WOO |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Teen Fiction | TEEN/FIC/WOODFOLK |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Teen Fiction | TF WOODFOLK |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC WOODFOLK |
1 of 1 | New London Young Adult | YAF WOODFOLK |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Teen Fiction | Teen Fiction Woodfolk |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Adult Fiction | YA FICTION Woodfolk, Ashley |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Young Adult Fiction | NEW YA FIC WOODFOLK [JUN 22] |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC WOODFOLK |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | YA F WOO |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA WOODFOLK |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
©2022 | First edition | Versify, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers | 277 pages ; 22 cm | On Shelf Wallingford Young Adult Fiction YA WOODFOLK
Available Online
Online Hoopla Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Edition | Publisher | Content Desc. | Availability | |
2022 | Hoopla | Unabridged | Versify | 1 online resource (1 audio file (3hr., 41 min.)) : digital. | Available Online Online Hoopla Collection |
Available Online
Online Hoopla Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Content Desc. | Availability | |
2022 | Hoopla | HarperCollins | 1 online resource (288 pages) | Available Online Online Hoopla Collection |
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2022 | OverDrive | HarperCollins | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection Online OverDrive Collection |
"A novel in verse that captures the unbalanced experience of an all-consuming love between two unnamed, queer, Black teen girls who move rapidly from strangerhood into a protective best friendship before becoming dysfunctional lovers and mutually destructive partners in crime." --
Average Rating:
5 stars
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On Shelf
1 copy on order.
Wallingford Children's Fiction
Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books has 2
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Fiction | J WARGA |
2 of 2 | Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books | YA WARGA (2024 M.S. NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | Bethany/Clark Juv. Collection | J FIC WAR |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Warga |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFiction WARGA |
1 of 2 | Durham Children's Fiction | jF WARGA |
1 of 1 | East Haddam/Moodus Youth Fiction | YOUTH Fic War |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Fiction | JF WAR |
2 of 2 | East Lyme Public J Fiction | J Warga, Jasmine (Other) |
1 of 1 | Essex Children's Fiction | J WARGA (NUTMEG 2024) |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Juvenile Fiction | JF Warga NUTMEG |
1 of 1 | Guilford Juvenile Fiction | JFIC WARGA |
3 of 3 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA WARGA (NUTMEG 2024) |
1 of 1 | Haddam/Brainerd Juvenile Fiction | J FIC WAR |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Brundage Community Children's Fiction | J/FIC/WAR (2024 Middle School Nutmeg Nominee) |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | MDL/FIC/WARGA |
2 of 2 | Hamden/Whitneyville Children's Fiction | J/FIC/WARGA |
2 of 2 | Lyme Juvenile Fiction | J FIC WAR |
1 of 1 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC WARGA |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | J FIC WARGA (2024 NUTMEG) |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Middle Grade | YA MG WARGA |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA WARGA |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF WARGA |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Warga |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Warga |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction | YT FICTION Warga, Jasmine (2024 Nutmeg - Middle School) |
1 of 1 | North Stonington/Wheeler Children's Fiction | JF WARGA (OCT 19) |
0 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Fiction | J F WARGA |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme Juv. Fiction | JFIC WARGA |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Juvenile Fiction | J WARGA |
0 of 1 | Orange/Case Juvenile Fiction Book | j Fiction Warga [Tween] 2024 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston Juvenile Fiction | J F WARGA |
1 of 1 | Stony Creek/Willoughby Wallace Juvenile Fiction | J FIC WAR - NUTMEG NOMINEE 2024 |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Children's Fiction | J FIC WARGA |
1 of 2 | Westbrook Middle Grade Fiction | MG F WAR |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Juv. Fiction | J WARGA |
0 of 1 | Woodbridge Tween | J WARGA (TWEEN) |
1 on order | Acton Public Library On Order | ON ORDER |
Pub. Date | Edition | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[2019] | First edition | 342 pages ; 22 cm | On Shelf 1 copy on order. Wallingford Children's Fiction J WARGA Wallingford Young Adult Nutmeg Books has 2 YA WARGA (2024 M.S. NUTMEG)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2021 | First paperback edition | 342 pages, 15 pages ; 20 cm | Available from another library
Available from another library
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Durham Children's Books on CD | jBCD WARGA (2024 MIDDLE SCHOOL NUTMEG NOMINEE) |
0 of 1 | North Haven Children's Audiobook | jAudio Warga, Jasmine |
1 of 1 | Norwich/Otis Children's Audio Books | JCDB WARGA |
Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||
Harper Audio | 3 audio discs (3 3/4 hr.) : CD audio, digital ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
| ||||||||||
HarperAudio | 3 audio discs (4 hr.) ; 4 3/4 in. | Available from another library
Available Online
Online Hoopla Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Edition | Publisher | Content Desc. | Availability | |
2019 | Hoopla | Unabridged | Balzer + Bray | 1 online resource (1 audio file (3hr., 50 min.)) : digital. | Available Online Online Hoopla Collection |
Available Online
Online Hoopla Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Content Desc. | Availability | |
2019 | Hoopla | HarperCollins | 1 online resource (368 pages) | Available Online Online Hoopla Collection |
On Shelf
Wallingford Children's Playaways
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Children's Playaways | J PLWY WARGA |
1 of 1 | East Hampton Juvenile Audiobooks | J AV GO WAR |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Juvenile Compact Disc | MG PA WAR |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||
2019 | Unabridged | Harper Collins Publishers | 1 audio media player (225 min.) : digital ; 3 3/8 x 2 1/8 in. | On Shelf Wallingford Children's Playaways J PLWY WARGA
Sent with her mother to the safety of a relative's home in Cincinnati when her Syrian hometown is overshadowed by violence, Jude worries for the family members who were left behind as she adjusts to a new life with unexpected surprises.
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On Shelf
Wallingford Young Adult Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | Bill (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YA F Venkatraman |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Venkatraman, Padma (Time) |
1 of 1 | Essex Young Adult Fiction | YA VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | Gales Ferry (LPL) Young Adult Fiction | YA F Venkatraman |
1 of 1 | Guilford YA Fiction | YA VENKATRAMAN |
0 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | MDL/FIC/VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Teen Fiction | TEEN/FIC/VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | Ivoryton Young Adult Fiction | YA VENKA |
1 of 1 | Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC VEN |
1 of 1 | Meriden Children's Fiction | J FIC VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Atwater Children's Fiction | j Fiction Pperback Venkatraman |
1 of 1 | North Branford/Smith Children's Fiction | j Fiction Venkatraman |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Teen Fiction | YT FICTION Venkatraman, Padma (Teen Nutmeg) |
1 of 1 | Old Lyme YA Fiction | YA FIC VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton Adult Rotation Collection | ROTATION COLLECTION YA VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | Old Saybrook/Acton YA Fiction | YA VENKATRAMAN |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Vankatraman 2017 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Orange/Case Teen Fiction Book | T Fiction Venkatraman 2017 Nutmeg Nominee |
1 of 1 | Preston YA Fiction | YA VEN |
1 of 1 | West Haven Main Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC VEN |
1 of 1 | Woodbridge Young Adult Fiction | YA VENKATRAMAN |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2014 | Nancy Paulsen Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA) | 307 pages ; 22 cm | On Shelf Wallingford Young Adult Fiction YA VENKATRAMAN
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2015 | Speak, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA) | 307 pages, 12 pages ; 21 cm | Available from another library
Available Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Online OverDrive Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Publisher | Availability | |
2014 | OverDrive | Penguin Young Readers Group | Available Online Online OverDrive Collection Online OverDrive Collection |
In India, a girl who excels at Bharatanatyam dance refuses to give up after losing a leg in an accident.
7. We belong
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On Shelf
Wallingford Young Adult Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA EVERMAN |
1 of 1 | Hamden/Miller Children's Fiction | J/FIC/EVERMAN |
1 of 1 | Madison/Scranton Children's Fiction | JF (HISTORICAL FIC) EVERMAN |
1 of 1 | New London Juv. Fiction | JF EVERMAN |
1 of 1 | West Haven Ora Mason Children's Fiction | J FIC EVERMAN |
Pub. Date | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | |||||||||||||||||||
2021 | Dial Books for Young Readers | 201 pages : color illustrations ; 19 cm | On Shelf Wallingford Young Adult Fiction YA EVERMAN
Through a bedtime story to her daughters, a woman weaves together her immigration story and Pilipino mythology. Includes glossary, songs, and author's note.
Choose a Format
On Shelf
Wallingford Young Adult Fiction
Available Copies | Location | Call Number |
1 of 1 | Wallingford Young Adult Fiction | YA ENGLE |
1 of 1 | Branford/Blackstone Juv. Fiction | JFIC ENGLE |
1 of 1 | Durham Young Adult Fiction | YA FIC ENGLE |
1 of 1 | East Lyme Public YA Fiction | YA Engle, Margarita (Wings) |
1 of 1 | Meriden Teen Center | YA FIC ENGLE |
1 of 1 | Middlefield/Coe YA Collection | YA Engle |
1 of 1 | North Haven Young Adult Fiction | YA FICTION Engle, Margarita |
1 of 1 | Westbrook Young Adult Fiction | YA F ENG |
Pub. Date | Edition | Publisher | Physical Desc. | Availability | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
©2023 | First edition | Atheneum Books for Young Readers | 211 pages ; 22 cm | On Shelf Wallingford Young Adult Fiction YA ENGLE
Available Online
Online Hoopla Collection
Pub. Date | Source | Edition | Publisher | Content Desc. | Availability | |
2023 | Hoopla | Unabridged | Simon & Schuster Audio | 1 online resource (1 audio file (1hr., 45 min.)) : digital. | Available Online Online Hoopla Collection |
When a hurricane exposes Soleida's family's secret sculpture garden, the Cuban government arrests her artist parents, forcing her to escape alone to Central America where she meets Dariel, a Cuban American boy, and together they work to protect the environment and bring attention to the imprisoned artists in Cuba.